Back To a Future for Mankind: BioGeometry (Chinese Version)
Product Description
BioGeometry was founded by Egyptian Architect and Scientist Dr. Ibrahim Karim (D.Sc./Dipl.Arch.-ETH, Zurich) after more than 30 years of research. Dr. Karim’s breakthrough research identified a unique energy effect found in the energetic centers of all living systems. The natural function of this energy effect is to provide balance, or “centering,” to the different energy-qualities or effects within any living system. This one centering energy effect is detected through three specific energy-qualities that it manifests, and has been termed “BG3.” This BG3 energy - quality is responsible for maintaining the energy structures of all living systems, including the balance of the different energy-qualities involved. BioGeometry uses proprietary shapes, which interact with the peripheral energy fields of the body, to amplify the resonance of this highly beneficial BG3 energy - quality for general energy-quality balance, as well as to harmonize energy interactions with the environment.